Despite their repeated promises, the Tories have sold out Scotland’s fishermen on the way out of Europe – just as they have done on the way in.
Scottish Government analysis revealed that far from having, as promised, substantial increased opportunities in the future’, the Scottish fishing industry will have access to fewer valuable fish stocks (such as cod, whiting and haddock) than under the CFP arrangements – even at the end of the five and half year phase-in period.
We have consistently opposed Tory efforts to treat the fishing industry as a Brexit bargaining chip, and are pushing for a grace period for fishermen, as well as a meaningful compensation package to support the industry.
The Scottish Government has stepped in to provide support for fishing businesses by investing £7.75 million to mitigate some of the Brexit harms, and provided funding for two Brexit supervisors to be taken on at Seafood Scotland to help with the mounting red tape.