Two people have sent me requests to shine a light on local food producers this week. By happy co-incidence they were both enthused about sausages! How lucky we are to have such choice and quality in our local area.
Here’s a quote from each contributor. If you have a suggestion, just click the contact tab to get in touch.

“The perfect Saturday morning breakfast.
Minnicks of St Andrews (and Cupar and Anstruther) pork sausages, on Fisher and Donaldson rolls. The rolls have to be white, and the brown sauce stays in the cupboard. The taste of the sausages is too good to be spoiled”
For more information about Minnicks of St Andrews, click here

“Beef sausage meat from Ardross Farm Shop…first for me trying this meat….looking forward to making spicy sausage rolls..”
To visit the Ardross Farm Shop website, click here.
I’d love to stay and write more, but the thought of these fantastically yummy sausages has made me hungry. I’m off to cook a snack. Three guesses what I’ll be having!